Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 8: A Moment When I Felt Most Satisfied With My Life

The first moment that comes to mind when I think of this topic is the moment my band and I marched into Disney World...
It was a swelteringly hot Florida afternoon, and we were lining up in our parade block behind the secret gate into the park, wearing polyester uniforms. I was nervous and excited and terrified at the same time, but I also remember, underneath all that, having a feeling of calm. Somehow I knew we were going to be awesome.
Our drum line did a roll off, and we launched straight into the song, "It Had Better Be Tonight," as we marched into the Magic Kingdom. At that moment, all of my doubts and insecurities fell away and I led my band as I never had before. I realized then that despite the doubts I'd had about my ability to be a good leader, I do, in fact, have what it takes. Our band director wouldn't have chosen me to be one of her drum majors if she didn't think I could do it, and in that moment, I knew she was right to choose me. And I am immensely grateful that she did, because being drum major is one of the most awesome things in the whole world, in my opinion. I love the exhilaration of conducting, listening to the gorgeous music the band makes under my direction, I love helping people get better at marching so that the band can improve as a whole, and I love being seen as important, being needed. There is no role I'd rather have in a marching ensemble.
Sorry this got a little random, but I felt it necessary to explain exactly why marching into Disney World made me feel most satisfied with my life.

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