Monday, August 10, 2015

Day One: Current Relationship or Views on Singlehood

Replace "food" with "band" and you basically get the story of my life right now.
I am currently single, which is pretty awesome. I can flirt (or attempt to flirt) with whoever I want, I can like whoever I want, without feeling guilty or unfaithful. I haven't had hardly any luck with guys at all since I became old enough to date, so I have decided that I'm not going to date again unless somebody asks me out and I like them enough to say yes.
For me, being single means I am free to do what I want and be myself. I mean, it's nice to have companionship, somebody to talk to, etc, but I don't feel like I need all of the mushy-gushy stuff that also is supposed to come with a relationship at this point in my life, so why not just be friends with people? Right now, my main concern is being the best flute player, drum major, singer, actress, and student that I can be, and I've learned from past experience that being in a relationship can get in the way of that. In addition, I have recently realized something I didn't realize before, which is that I am awesome and I don't need some guy to tell me that. I have my music and my friends for acceptance, support, and companionship, and that's all I need at this point.
As far as romantic attraction goes, I am by no means against it. Of course I like someone (I'm not going to say who), but I just don't see the point in telling them about it or asking them out, because the last three times I did that, it turned out badly. My philosophy when it comes to this is: Admire from afar, because if they don't know you like them, they can't break your heart by refusing your affections. And if you keep your feelings about them strictly to yourself, then no one will judge you for still liking them even if they're already in a relationship.
So even though I don't have a significant other, I am happy with my life right now. I think it's good for me to be more independent and work on my confidence that way, rather than depending on some guy for words of affirmation. Not that there's anything wrong with relationships; they're great, just... Maybe not for me at this point. Like I said, I have my music and friends for companionship, and my philosophy on admiring from afar to explain my views on romantic attraction. And I am perfectly fine with this.

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