Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 3: My Top 5 Pet Peeves

I'm off to a good start at keeping my promise (see last post). Yay!
Let's see... Five pet peeves. What are five things that just annoy me to no end. Well, first of all, when people leave a huge mess in the kitchen after cooking, and then tell me to clean it up. I'm just like, seriously? I make messes when I cook, too, but I clean them up myself. Without being asked to. Because of two reasons: one, no one will agree to help me, and two, I understand the frustration of having so many dishes that you don't know what to do with yourself.
Secondly, eating store bought frosting directly out of the can is one of those things that just make my stomach turn over with disgust. I mean, frosting is good, don't get me wrong, but I had a bad experience with eating it out of the can once, and now it just doesn't appeal to me. I can't watch other people do that, either. So from now on, all of the frosting I use for cookies, cake, or whatever, will be homemade, because homemade frosting not only agrees with my stomach, it tastes better too.
Thirdly, it really, really, really annoys me when people who don't know how to play the piano start banging out random notes on my piano. I just can't stand it. The sound of all those discombobulated notes makes me want to run as far away from my house as I can get, just to get away from it.
Fourthly, people who think they know everything and think they're better than you but they're really not also annoy me. Especially in band. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my band, but there are some people that just... Do not work well with everyone else for the good of the whole. In any ensemble, the goal is for everyone to work hard and accept constructive criticism so that the whole ensemble can be the best it can be. When you have people in said ensemble who get all mad because you tell them they missed a flat (even though they missed just about every flat in the piece) or someone who doesn't really know the piece starts telling people how to play it... Wrong, there's a problem.
And finally, my biggest pet peeve, the thing that annoys me the very most, is people who just don't try. They never practice, never come to their lesson, they're always saying they want to quit band, and they simply have a bad attitude about everything. All they really seem to care about is what's going on in that phone on their music stand during rehearsal. These people annoy me the most because while it isn't vital that everyone care about band as much as I do, they should at least try to have a positive attitude, or quit. And these people aren't only present in band, they're in all of my other classes too. Never making an effort to do really well at things, never really contributing, just skating through life, assuming they'll pass the class. And if they don't, they don't care about that, either. They just want to fit in with their friends and not do anything too extraordinary. Their attitude towards life just makes me sad.
Now, I understand that not everyone is a slacker. I know many people who are dedicated, hardworking people in band and in academics. Someone I greatly admire said once that "Those are the people who matter most, and many care more than they'll admit due to reputation with dumb teenagers." Which is true. Many people my age want to be accepted by the general public at school more than they want to find and pursue their true passions. Personally, though, I love band, and I'm not going to change that to be accepted by people when I am already accepted by some really awesome people in the band room.

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