Sunday, August 9, 2015


What's up, peeps? It's Rosetail the Flutist again, with more advice, opinions, and random observations from the front of the band room. This is my permanent blog address, so there won't be any more confusion over where to find my current blog. If you would like to visit my old blog, which looks just like this one but has a different URL, you can do that at
Anyway, I'm going to start off this blog by doing a 30 day posting challenge. Each day, I'll post on a different topic, and the posts may or may not have to do with band. I suspect that most of them will, because band is such a huge part of my life, but if they don't, just bear with me. This is indeed a band/music blog, and after I get done with the 30 day challenge, I promise I'll be back to posting stuff about band and music.

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