Monday, August 17, 2015

Day Two: Where I'd Like To Be In Ten Years

Sorry this is really late, I just had an unexpected turn of events which caused me to not have a computer for a week. I promise I'll do my best to stick with my post-a-day schedule from now until I finish the thirty (now twenty-nine) day challenge.
So, day two. Where I'd like to be in ten years. I'll be done with college, or at least the first stage of it, and although I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do after college, I know I want to do something with music. My fantasy of ten years from now...

It's about 8:30 pm on a Monday evening in my New York apartment. I got home from rehearsal about two hours ago-- I play flute, piccolo, clarinet, and saxophone in a Broadway pit orchestra. I also give private lessons to aspiring flutists, clarinetists, and saxophonists. Now, I'm standing at the sink, doing dishes. The smell of spaghetti and garlic bread lingers in the kitchen as I scrub away the remnants of dinner and think about my schedule for the next week. I'll have to practice on my own and teach lessons every day, and then I'll go to the theater, change into my long black dress, black tights, and black shoes, and warm up for that night's show. Opening night is tomorrow, and I'm so excited! Even though I'll be playing the same music for eight shows every week for weeks on end, I'll be doing what I love-- making music.
I finish the dishes, reach down to pet the tortoiseshell cat that is sitting by my feet, and then I go into the living room, get out my flute, and start warming up for the minimum two hours I'll practice before going to bed. Outside, night is falling, but the streets are brightly lit and still bustling with people. As my music fills the apartment, my cat curls up on the couch, and in this moment, I am content.

So yeah. That's where I'd like to be ten years from now, although it probably won't happen that way. Note: I have included links to more information about Broadway pit orchestras and pit orchestras in general, in case anyone is curious. (See the words "Broadway" and "orchestra").

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