Friday, August 5, 2016

How To Get Motivated To Practice

We've all had those days when we just don't feel like doing much of anything, let alone practicing. We know we should, but we just can't bring ourselves to get up off the couch and actually take out our instrument. Since yesterday was one of those days for me, I've compiled a list of tips that help me get motivated to practice (or do anything, really).

#1: Make a list of everything you have to do that day. If you don't have to do anything, then include everything you want to get done, such as practicing, walking the dog, writing a blog post, etc. For example, my list for today includes:

-practice flute
-practice piano
-practice saxophone
-practice conducting
-play with dog

This way, you'll be more motivated to get everything done because you can scribble things out after you do them:)

#2: Listen to some awesome music. This is one of the best ways to get motivated to practice for me, because it inspires me to rise to the level of performance I just heard. I would recommend listening to solo repertoire for your instrument, concert band/orchestral pieces with a really cool part for your instrument, or really good recordings of the music your band is playing for your next concert (field show/parade, since we're still in marching season).
Example: I play flute (obviously) so I'm currently motivating myself to go practice after I finish this post by listening to "Prairiesong" (it features an awesome flute solo), "Gabriel's Oboe" (solo part is written for oboe, but my band director played it on flute when the Communiversity Band performed this piece), and "Toccata" (one of my favorite pieces from last year's concert band season).

#3: Promise yourself a reward for practicing. This is more for those who don't really like to practice, or as a last resort, because most of us know that the reward for practicing is getting better at one's instrument, but anyway. Possible rewards could include:

-whatever baked goods are downstairs in the kitchen
-ice cream
-getting to use your computer/phone/other electronic device again
-a nap

#4: Set a time goal for your practicing. I know, I know, this isn't necessarily the best idea, since we don't want to become "clockwatchers," as my band director says, but it sometimes helps motivation if you know when you're going to stop. You can also use the list method from #1 to

#5: Just do it. Get up off your bum and go make some music. Usually once you start practicing, it's hard to stop (at least for me anyway), so just go do it. You won't regret it, I promise:)

I hope you all found this helpful! Please comment any practice motivation strategies you use, or if you use any of these that I mentioned!

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