Monday, August 8, 2016

Day 5: Favorite Quotes

I included this quote in another post on my old blog called "Substantial Reasons Why Band Is Awesome." I decided to include it here again because I have recently revised my interpretation of it. Before, I took the quote literally and thought that it meant that a band performs well because it is proud of previous accomplishments. While this is partially true, I failed to take into account the first performance, before said band had really achieved anything significant. What made them perform well that time? I have since realized that great performances do not happen by accident. What makes them possible is belief in oneself, however small that belief may be. I know from experience that even the most negative, self-critical person whose self-doubts would normally be extremely detrimental can accomplish much if they choose to push aside those doubts and focus solely on what they're trying to achieve. So, in this quote, the band performs well because it believes in its own abilities and is confident in itself.

I love this quote simply because it's true. Music offers a much-needed escape from the rest of life's sorrows, or sometimes allows life's joys to be perfectly captured in a series of notes on a page, and I for one cannot live without it. I firmly believe that the world would be an even more messed up place than it already is if we didn't have music.

I used this quote in another post as well, the one called "Audition Tips." It means a lot to me because, as I mentioned in that post, it has applied to me in the past. At District Solo & Ensemble last April, I gave the best solo performance I had ever given in my life, because I believed in myself and kept the principle behind this quote in mind: It doesn't matter if you screw up a little, or even a lot. If you're passionate and play your heart out through that solo, that's what people are going to remember.

The last few years of my life have been, well, less than perfect, shall we say. There have been many tough circumstances and many times when I wondered if I would ever make it out alive (or sane, anyway). But throughout that entire ordeal, music was there for me. I would (and still do) play an instrument or listen to concert band, piano, or jazz music whenever I was feeling blue, and because I was in band, I had a huge family of people who were always there when I needed someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Music is a wonderful way to express emotions, because it really does give me an escape from the rest of this life, and say everything that needs to be said without speaking a single word.

This applies to all of my wonderful band peeps. I know that there have been times, especially in the past year, when I definitely haven't been very lovable. And yet all of you were still there for me anyway. I know now that it isn't anyone's job but mine to boost my self-esteem and handle my problems, but everybody needs a little help sometimes. All of you amazing people (I think you know who you are, if you're reading this) have taught me so many valuable lessons, and now that I've stopped being stupid and taken to learning them, I realize that I'll never be able to repay you. So I want you all to know that you mean the world to me. I would not be the person I am, and the person I'm going to become wouldn't even be a possibility, without you all. So thank you, so very, very much.

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