Thursday, August 11, 2016

Day 8: Last Day Of School

June 8, 2016, was the last day of school that I had. Here's a rundown of what happened that day:

6:00 am- I woke up and didn't really feel like going to school. However, because it was the last day and I couldn't miss graduation that night, I got up.
7:20 am- I got on the bus for the last time as a sophomore.
7:30 am- I arrived at school and made my way to the band room, as usual.
8:01 am- The two-minute bell rang, signaling that I should probably go to class. I went upstairs to my Geometry classroom.
8:03 am- Class began. We turned in our books and then played Kahoot for the rest of the hour.
9:25 am- Class ended, and we all rushed out the door. I went back to the band room.
9:31 am- I reluctantly left the band room for the history wing.
9:35 am- History class began. We presented our projects on events of the 1990s through the present. Mine was about when Barack Obama became president.
10:58 am- History ended and I rushed to the choir room, which is on the other end of the school.
11:03 am- Choir began, and all of the band kids who were in choir went to the band room to move the percussion equipment down to the football field for graduation. I almost died trying to roll an uncooperative timpani down the hill, and collapsed on the turf when I reached my destination and handed it off to the percussionists. The choir kids all sat in the bleachers while we figured out our seating chart and practiced our graduation music.
12:24 pm- Lunchtime. I ate in the cafeteria for once, with my choir friends and my boyfriend.
12:59 pm- Lunch is over, and we all go to resource. I go to the band room to help the band director organize her files for the summer.
1:41 pm- Resource is over.
1:44 pm- The two-minute bell rings, and I go to Spanish.
1:46 pm- Spanish begins. We watch a movie.
2:15 pm- I go back to the band room to keep sorting files (with permission from my Spanish teacher).
3:00 pm- I meet my Spanish class in another teacher's room to sing to her in Spanish.
3:08 pm- The final bell rings, signaling the end of my sophomore year of high school.

I don't really remember what happened after school, only that I probably practiced the flute and my family and I went to get ice cream at the ice cream place where I would start work the next day. But anyway, that's what happened on the day the marked the halfway point in my high school career! Figures that the band/choir portion of the day is the only thing I remember in great detail. Hope you enjoyed!
Note: The "Pets of My Dreams" post was supposed to be done yesterday, but I was too tired to finish it. So that's why there's too post-a-day posts in one day:)

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