Saturday, October 31, 2015

You Know You're A Band Nerd When...

(In no particular order of importance.)

1. You describe people by saying things like, "She's an alto sax," or "He plays trumpet."
2. You eat lunch in the band room.
3. You get mad when you're at a basketball game, and the other school's band plays your favorite pep band song.
4. Band practice is the highlight of your summer.
5. You conduct and/or march in step to all music you hear.
6. You're walking with or behind someone and you change your steps to match theirs.
7. The phrase, "Can somebody unzip me?" is a completely normal and non-sexual thing to say after marching band performances.
8. Double tonguing is a musical technique, not anything dirty.
9. You point out key changes and dynamics when listening to the radio.
10. The band room is your second home.
11. One of your philosophies is "Early is on time, on time is late, and late is just sad."
12. Your instrument has a name.
13. You accidentally hit your instrument on something and you yourself say "ow."
14. You sing band songs in the shower.
15. You and your band friends agree that the football team plays the band's pre- and post-show.
16. You get extremely angry when someone disses band.
17. In the devastating situation that the band room is locked, you sit right outside the door and wait for the band director to arrive, no matter how long it takes.
18. You have all of the numbers that correspond to the titles of pep band songs memorized.
19. You know that "one more time" really means "like four or five more times."
20. Your entire life revolves around band or practicing.
21. You have to decline invitations to parties because you have rehearsal.
22. You have a favorite time signature.
23. You're willing to argue with anyone who questions whether marching band is a sport. Which it totally is.
24. You roll step to avoid spilling things (or just 'cause you feel like it).
25. You leave football games after halftime.
26. You can relate to any of these.

There might be a Part 2 to this post, depending on if I think of more "you know you're a band nerd when..." situations. I would be delighted if somebody would leave a comment below telling me if you could relate to any of these, which ones, and if I forgot any.

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