Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 3: Trust

A friend of mine once said to me, "Trust is a delicate thing. It takes years to build it up, but only a second to break it down." I'm not sure if those are her words or someone else's she was quoting, but I can't help but agree. We humans don't like to show our vulnerability, but sometimes, another person comes along whom we feel comfortable with, and we let them in. And then sometimes, they betray us and can do some serious damage.
I feel that, despite my best efforts to guard myself from pain and misfortune, I trust people pretty easily. I make friends, I give people second chances, and I'm not very suspicious of others unless there's a blatantly obvious reason to be. This probably stems from the fact that I'm pretty naive when it comes to the world and how things work in it. Even though I've heard about all of the terrible things that happen everywhere, I still walk home alone at night. And I trust that my boss is going to pay me the right amount and that I'm going to get accepted to the college I want to go to and that my boyfriend loves me and that everything's going to work out for me, even when I've been told that that's not necessarily how things go.
I also feel that, for the most part, people trust me. My band director trusts me enough to let me be drum major for another year, my parents trust me to be responsible and safe, and my friends and I trust each other with our secrets. My mom has often said that she'll trust me until I give her a reason not to. And so far, I haven't. Because I'm a naive goody two-shoes. But whatever.
Sometimes, people break my trust, though. I'd like to say that the consequences are severe in this case, but usually that isn't true. Like I said, I'm a trusting person, so when someone breaks my trust, I'll usually give them a second chance. But there is a good reason for this. I give people second chances because I've gotten so many second, third, fourth chances in my life that I probably didn't deserve. I forgive people because so many others have forgiven me when I didn't deserve it. So the least I can do to repay those people is to forgive those who break my trust. Because forgiveness after a wrong is just as important as being able to trust someone in the first place.

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