Sunday, December 20, 2015


Recent discoveries have proven that a lifestyle known as BAND can be extremely addictive! Musically inclined, socially awkward teenagers are at the highest risk of addiction! Beware!

Symptoms of addiction include:
-Constant practicing of an instrument
-Insisting on being present at every band-related event
-Post-concert depression
-Heightened enthusiasm for going to school on days when the subject has band
-Maintaining a presence in the band room at every possible minute out of the day
-Arriving to class late with a tardy-excused note from the band director
-Subject never misses a band lesson
-Subject remains in the band room until the last possible second after band-related events
-Subject sings their band music in the shower
-Constantly listening to concert or marching band music
-Subject develops a dislike of weekends because they can't be at school, in the band room
-Subject's confidence and outlook on life may improve due to the ability band has to fulfill the "Love/Belonging" and "Esteem" needs (according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)
-Subject will stay out of trouble because they'll be in the band room or practicing all the time
-Subject will be emotionally healthier because music gives them a way to express their feelings

If you or someone you know shows signs of band addiction, contact your school's band director or someone else you trust to get immediate help. You are not alone:)

A note from Rosetail the Flutist:
I confess that I am also addicted to band, and I'm proud of it. I obviously have many band related stories, and because it's almost the end of 2015, I'll be putting some of those into posts to reflect on the events of this year. Hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas to you all!

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