Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to Make School Much More Interesting

Ok, so we all know the typical stereotype of a "band nerd." Spends all available time in the band room, loves music, knows the whole circle of fifths, etc. Band nerds are also generally stereotyped as having an acne problem, wearing glasses, and being smart. Or, just being typical nerds.
It's true that music is beneficial for other areas of academics, including language and mathematics, but just because we're band nerds doesn't mean we're good at other subjects, and even if we are, that doesn't mean we find them interesting.

So, I have come up with ways that every core subject they teach in school can be related to music. Obviously the curriculum won't change just to appeal to the band kids, but I thought you guys would find this interesting anyway.
Note: I am using a sample schedule for an eight-period day which happens to run longer than the typical school day.

1st Period: 7:30-8:30 am: Rhythm Technique. Practice counting rhythms of differing levels of difficulty in various time signatures. Learn the basics of conducting various time signatures (just keeping the beat, no expressive elements.) This would be comparable to a math class. However, this class only runs for a semester (half of the school year) so the other half would be...
Music Business and Management. Learn how to do budgeting, manage finances, etc. as a musician, owner of a music store or recording studio, or other musical profession. This would also be comparable to a math class.

2nd Period: 8:35-9:35 am: Basic Conducting. Add expressive elements, cues, etc. to the basic beat patterns learned in Rhythm Technique.

3rd Period: 9:45-10:45 am: The Science of Sound. Learn about acoustics, sound waves, frequencies, pitch intervals, etc. This would be comparable to a science class. Since this class only runs for a semester, the other half of the year would have...
Music History and Culture. Learn about the history of music, and what role music plays in cultures around the world. This would be comparable to a history class.

4th Period: 10:50-11:50 am: Band. This one's pretty self-explanatory. If someone is in choir but not band, they get to take a dance class during this time to fill their Phy. Ed. requirement. Band students or students in both band and choir get their Phy. Ed. requirement from marching band.

5th Period: 11:55 am-12:25 pm: Lunch. Eating in the band room is perfectly acceptable.

6th Period: 12:30-1:30 pm: Choir. Again, pretty self-explanatory. If someone is in band but not choir, they get to either practice or participate in jazz band during this time.

7th Period: 1:35-2:35 pm: Music Appreciation. Analyze songs or instrumental pieces, learn about the different genres of music, etc. Final project includes writing a really long research or analysis paper. This would be comparable to an English class.

8th Period: 2:45-3:45 pm: Transcription and Composition. Learn the music theory elements necessary to transcribe and/or compose a piece.

Note: Electives that could be taken instead of Basic Conducting and/or Transcription and Composition include:
-Musical Theater
-Study Hall (only one study hall may be taken per year)

So that's that. If anyone has any suggestions for what else I could include, or whatever, please let me know! I love getting comments on my work; it reminds me that a few awesome people actually read this stuff!