Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Day 14: Someone You Wish You Could Forget And Someone You Never Want To Forget

I happen to be in the interesting position where the person I wish I could forget and the person I never want to forget are the same person. Weird, huh? :)
Since I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, and therefore everyone that has been in my life has done so for a reason, there is no one that I really would want to erase completely from my memory. Everyone I've ever met has taught me something, even if it's the same lesson over and over again, and I don't want to forget anything I've learned. So here are short descriptions of the person I sometimes want to forget, but still never will...

~Person I Sometimes Want To Forget~
Name: Past Me
Age: 11-14 years
Personality: Shy, very, very shy... Pretty smart, did well in school, but was terrible in social situations. Had a few close friends, and was kind of judgemental of others that were not her friends. Was a bit of an emotional mess, and had low self-esteem. Tried to fit in with the popular girls, and lamented when she failed.

Explanation: I sometimes want to forget Past Me because she is so incredibly different from Present Me, and I cringe sometimes, thinking back. However, I did learn so many things during those years, about myself and life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Although I definitely wouldn't do it again; going through puberty while your parents are getting a divorce simply sucks, let me tell you.

~Person I Never Want To Forget~
Name: Long Past Me
Age: 1-11 years
Personality: Shy, but adorable. Almost always happy, or content; rarely ever cried. Had a vast and wild imagination, and could come up with a story or song off the top of her head, or play for hours with her brother. Sang and danced as if no one were watching...

Explanation: I really miss Long Past Me, to be honest. She was such a happy, innocent creature, with nothing to worry about, no reason to ever cry... And I learned lessons from her, too, such as how to be happy, how to be imaginative, how to dream and follow those dreams. I don't ever want to forget her or the things I learned.

So basically, I don't have someone I want to forget, because I've learned things from everyone, including (and perhaps especially) myself. Truthfully, everyone I've ever met is someone I never want to forget, because I'll carry their lessons with me forever.

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