Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Day 14: Someone You Wish You Could Forget And Someone You Never Want To Forget

I happen to be in the interesting position where the person I wish I could forget and the person I never want to forget are the same person. Weird, huh? :)
Since I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, and therefore everyone that has been in my life has done so for a reason, there is no one that I really would want to erase completely from my memory. Everyone I've ever met has taught me something, even if it's the same lesson over and over again, and I don't want to forget anything I've learned. So here are short descriptions of the person I sometimes want to forget, but still never will...

~Person I Sometimes Want To Forget~
Name: Past Me
Age: 11-14 years
Personality: Shy, very, very shy... Pretty smart, did well in school, but was terrible in social situations. Had a few close friends, and was kind of judgemental of others that were not her friends. Was a bit of an emotional mess, and had low self-esteem. Tried to fit in with the popular girls, and lamented when she failed.

Explanation: I sometimes want to forget Past Me because she is so incredibly different from Present Me, and I cringe sometimes, thinking back. However, I did learn so many things during those years, about myself and life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Although I definitely wouldn't do it again; going through puberty while your parents are getting a divorce simply sucks, let me tell you.

~Person I Never Want To Forget~
Name: Long Past Me
Age: 1-11 years
Personality: Shy, but adorable. Almost always happy, or content; rarely ever cried. Had a vast and wild imagination, and could come up with a story or song off the top of her head, or play for hours with her brother. Sang and danced as if no one were watching...

Explanation: I really miss Long Past Me, to be honest. She was such a happy, innocent creature, with nothing to worry about, no reason to ever cry... And I learned lessons from her, too, such as how to be happy, how to be imaginative, how to dream and follow those dreams. I don't ever want to forget her or the things I learned.

So basically, I don't have someone I want to forget, because I've learned things from everyone, including (and perhaps especially) myself. Truthfully, everyone I've ever met is someone I never want to forget, because I'll carry their lessons with me forever.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas! (And Coming Soon)

Merry Christmas to all of you wonderful people who read this blog! I truly appreciate your support!

I thought I might give you a list of posts I'm hoping to write soon, so here's that:

1. Days 14 and 15 of posting challenge... I know, I know, it's taking way longer than it should, but school is seriously taking up soooo much time right now... AP European History... Ugh.
2. The Drawbacks of Being Awesome
3. The Time We Moved an Already-Decorated Christmas Tree
4. The Time We Played Pep Band For an NBA Game
5. The Power of Music (Specifically Christmas Hymns)
These are in no particular order.

Anyway, merry Christmas again, and I wish you all the very best in 2017! :)